“This book expanded my imagination about what is possible in groups of any form. This expansion came from the careful articulation of multidimensional, multi-evolutionary science and its union with functional behavioral science. The book provides a highly useful and operational approach for building and transforming groups to be more prosocial. This book is chock-full of clear steps on how to engage the prosocial process to increase prosociality in the world. The book is a welcome, practical, and well-documented guide for people interested in lifting up the capability and competence of a group to be more productive, equitable, and collaborative.”
—Jane Dutton, PhD, professor emerita of business administration and psychology, and coauthor of Awakening Compassion at Work
~Jane Dutton, PhD
“This groundbreaking book shows how evolutionary theory can be used to empower the success of small groups. It is a seamless integration of the processes of psychological flexibility, the science of organizational development and interpersonal trust, and Elinor Ostrom’s Nobel Prize-winning ‘Core Design Principles’ for group cooperation. What results is a method that is both principle-based and highly flexible, and that speaks directly and practically to the role of coaches and consultants. This book is essential reading for anyone who works with people in group settings, and who is committed to helping these groups to be their best.”
—Susan David, PhD, cofounder of the Institute of Coaching—a McLean/Harvard Medical School Affiliate; psychologist at Harvard Medical School; and author of Emotional Agility
~Susan David, PhD
“What do you get when you combine contemporary evolutionary theory, insights from a winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and years of psychological research on behavior change? As it turns out, you get a practical and intuitively appealing set of steps for increasing care and cooperation amidst the twenty-first century’s soul-sapping and ecologically damaging selfishness. The approach developed by Atkins, Wilson, and Hayes shows real promise, and I hope many people adopt it.”
—Tim Kasser, PhD, professor in the department of psychologyat Knox College in Galesburg, IL; and coauthor of Hypercapitalism
~Tim Kasser, PhD
“A powerful, simple, but new perspective; part what to do, mostly how to do it, on the big question. It’s always been make-or-break for our species. Somehow, it’s looming ever larger: ‘How can I be for myself, but also for others and our world?’”
—Nicholas Gruen, PhD, visiting professor at Kings College London Policy Institute, CEO of Lateral Economics, and author of the forthcoming The Public Goods of the 21st Century
~Nicholas Gruen, PhD
“Prosocial helps feuding individuals figure out their common purpose, and gives warring factions the means to cooperate. Anyone who has ever tried to solve a burning conflict within or between groups should read this book.”
—Susan Pinker, psychologist, behavioral science columnist for The Wall Street Journal, and author of The Sexual Paradox and The Village Effect
~Susan Pinker
“One of the authors, David Sloan Wilson, has said that everyone needs to become ‘wise managers’ of their own cultural evolutionary process. This book is a great way to learn how to do this very thing. If you are looking for ways to achieve shared goals, work effectively in groups, or in any way make the world a better place, you are going to want to read this book. It is a deeply practical and insightful guide for individuals and the organizations they work for.”
—Joe Brewer, executive director of the Center for Applied Cultural Evolution
~Joe Brewer
“Evolutionary science has a lot to say about how we can create more effective, cooperative groups. So does the research of Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom, the great scholar of the commons. Blending these two rich streams, Atkins, Wilson, and Hayes provide powerful, practical guidance for anyone wishing to nourish prosocial behaviors—in education, business, civic action, athletics, and beyond. A concise, readable synthesis that practitioners and scholars alike will appreciate.”
—David Bollier, coauthor of Free, Fair, and Alive
~David Bollier