“If you’re anything like me, it’s hard to keep up with the constant stream of research in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), as the model continually grows, adapts, and changes. So, if you want to get up to speed on the latest innovative research in ACT, and discover the exciting new directions ACT is heading in, this book is for you!”
—Russ Harris, author of ACT Made Simple and The Happiness Trap
~Russ Harris
“This book is an example of ‘ACT unchained.’ For many reasons, ACT has often been presented as ‘a psychotherapy model among models.’ This book, reflecting the basic science perspective that ACT came from, is pointing toward something much more comprehensive: basic principles of effective psychological treatment.”
—Niklas Törneke, MD, author of Learning RFT and Metaphor in Practice
~Niklas Törneke, MD
“It takes a very talented group of editors to bring together the widely recognized thought leaders in an area of applied clinical science, and to harness the power and vision of such brilliant minds. Levin, Twohig, and Krafft have succeeded in accomplishing this difficult feat. The reader of Innovations in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy will quickly realize that there is something very special about this book. This book has the best of both worlds: An extremely broad and interesting array of highly relevant topics that are well written, comprehensive, and thought provoking. If I were to recommend one book that would instantly get the reader up to speed on the most recent developments in ACT specifically, and the burgeoning field of contextual behavioral science (CBS) more broadly, this would be it! Highly recommended!”
—Kirk Strosahl, PhD, cofounder of ACT, and coauthor of Learning ACT in Psychiatry and The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Depression
~Kirk Strosahl, PhD
“Innovations in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is essential reading for all professionals who want to use the wisdom of ACT ideas in their work. The book provides cutting-edge and up-to-date coverage of ACT theoretical concepts and practical innovations for practitioners across all settings, such as individual or group psychotherapy, counseling, coaching, community or organizational interventions, etc. Comprising an excellent collection of chapters from leading authors in the field, this is a must-read for those looking to learn about new ACT innovations.”
—Louise McHugh, PhD, associate professor at University College Dublin, coauthor of A Contextual Behavioral Guide to the Self, peer-reviewed ACT trainer, and fellow of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
~Louise McHugh, PhD
“Innovations in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy provides an excellent sampling of ACT interventions across clinical issues, populations, and levels of care; and demonstrates how ACT represents a process-based therapy. It’s exciting to see how far we’ve advanced in CBS! This book integrates contemporary applied behavior theory into clinical applications, providing not only an overview of current research, but also clinical tools for immediate use. Thus, it will be a very useful ‘state of the union’ for clinicians and researchers alike.”
—Lisa W. Coyne, PhD, assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School; founder of the New England Center for OCD and Anxiety in Boston, MA; and coauthor of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
~Lisa W. Coyne, PhD
“Innovations in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy not only provides a compendium of up-to-date advances in the intervention, it contextualizes the evolution of ACT and the importance of refining and studying clinical application with varied populations. The research detailed here in conjunction with real-world strategies to improve clients’ lives makes it one of the most important books for clinicians, researchers, and teachers to read. Fully digesting the book means learning how to bring new and interesting ACT applications into your work as a mental health researcher and provider. This book not only catches the reader up on innovations, it inspires readers to continue the work of developing this incredible intervention.”
—Robyn D. Walser, PhD, codirector of Bay Area Trauma Recovery Clinic; assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley; author of The Heart of ACT; and coauthor of Learning ACT and The Mindful Couple
~Robyn D. Walser, PhD