A Guide to Self-Care for Practitioners | A Free e-Booklet

This free e-booklet, A Guide to Self-Care for Practitioners in Times of Uncertainty, is for therapists and clinicians working to help others through these difficult times. As a mental health professional, there are no doubt moments when you struggle with painful thoughts and feelings in your work with clients, as well as in your own life. What does my client need right now? Can I provide it? How can I help my client deal with uncertainty when I also feel it? This e-booklet will help you navigate the unique pressures and challenges you might be facing during this crisis.

This e-booklet covers:

  • How to persist when things are uncertain
  • How to deal with uncomfortable internal experience like uncertainty and fear
  • How to care for ourselves and others in difficult moments
Download the Free e-Booklet: A Guide to Self-Care

Helena Colodro, MSC, CPsychol, is a clinical psychologist working for the private sector in London, a psychology lecturer at a Spanish University, and one of the founders of Inspira Psychology, a psychotherapy center in Granada, Spain.

Joe Oliver, PhD, is a consultant clinical psychologist, originally from New Zealand, and has lived in London for the past 20 years. He is the director of Contextual Consulting, an acceptance and commitment therapy-based consultancy.

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