Tag: Acceptance

Are We Dying to Lose Weight?

Are We Dying to Lose Weight?

By Lisa Gray, LMFT, author of Healthy Conflict, Happy Couple Maintaining an “ideal” weight has long been a cultural concern, especially for women in America. And no wonder—it’s a billion-dollar… READ MORE

Active Acceptance in the Face of Uncertainty

Active Acceptance in the Face of Uncertainty

By Jennifer Shannon, LMFT, author of The Monkey Mind Workout for Uncertainty A few days ago, Pat—my ninety-year-old mother-in-law who lives in an assisted living facility—sent us a text from… READ MORE

“He Went That Way!”

“He Went That Way!”

By Ben Sedley, PhD and Lisa Coyne, PhD, coauthors of Stuff That’s Loud The alarms went off; the bank had been robbed. The police came running to the scene, and were… READ MORE

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