Tag: healing

Justice is Therapeutic

Justice is Therapeutic

By Thema Bryant, PhD, coauthor of The Antiracism Handbook While many psychology models focus solely on shifting thoughts and coping with emotions, social-justice-oriented approaches such as multicultural feminist psychology and… READ MORE

Healing Sexual Trauma

Healing Sexual Trauma

By Erika Shershun, MA, MFT, author of Healing Sexual Trauma Workbook Trauma is the result of experiencing an overwhelming event without the internal and external resources necessary to integrate that… READ MORE

Rewriting Your Hero Story

Rewriting Your Hero Story

By Janina Scarlet, PhD, author of Super-Women I have always loved stories—stories about amazing heroes, knights, and warriors who went on amazing adventures, defeating evil villains and saving the day…. READ MORE

The Hidden Wounds from Adverse Childhood Experiences

The Hidden Wounds from Adverse Childhood Experiences

By Glenn R. Schiraldi, PhD, author of The Adverse Childhood Experiences Recovery Workbook Abundant research over the last twenty years has consistently shown that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) strongly predict scores of… READ MORE

Our Action Plan

Our Action Plan

When we started this company 47 years ago, our mission was to put the tools of healing into the hands of the people who needed them most. From the beginning,… READ MORE

Racism is Bad for You

Racism is Bad for You

By Rheeda Walker, PhD, author of The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health A Racist System Cannot Fix Itself As you have seen in several studies that I mentioned, racism can occur… READ MORE

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