Tag: mental health

Helping Your Client Learn Mentalization Skills

Helping Your Client Learn Mentalization Skills

By Tamara McClintock Greenberg, PsyD Sometimes clients seem to have trouble reflecting on their own thoughts in a neutral way. These clients may benefit from developing mentalization skills. Some researchers… READ MORE

Why Use Magick for Mental Health

Why Use Magick for Mental Health

By Ora North, author of Mood Magick For most, there has always been a solid line separating the psychological from the “woo”—practices such as witchcraft and elemental magick. Scoffs can… READ MORE

Finding Freedom with Our Thoughts

Finding Freedom with Our Thoughts

By Nancy Colier, author of Can’t Stop Thinking Helen wakes up to a hornet’s nest of thoughts every morning. Usually, they’re about potential disasters that might befall her that day. … READ MORE

Stretch Away Pent-Up Stress

Stretch Away Pent-Up Stress

By Jennifer Wolkin, PhD When we’re stressed, we tend to clench our bodies and unintentionally hold in that tension, which, in turn, makes us feel more stressed—creating a vicious cycle…. READ MORE

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