Tag: neuroscience

Relationship First

Relationship First

By Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT, author of Wired for Love, 2nd Edition The first guiding principle is that your relationship should come first if you both accept the idea that… READ MORE

Your Brain on Stress

Your Brain on Stress

By Melanie Greenberg, PhD, author of The Stress-Proof Brain Guided Journal Much of the human brain’s physiological response to stress was laid down through thousands of years of evolution. A… READ MORE

Why Hyperarousal After Trauma Is So Common

Why Hyperarousal After Trauma Is So Common

By Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, author of Traumatic Stress Recovery Workbook Traumatic experiences frequently result in “one trial learning,” meaning that a single event, or experience, can alter brain structure and/or… READ MORE

The Mythical Self in Self-Esteem

The Mythical Self in Self-Esteem

By Kate Gustin, author of The No-Self Help Book Seeking self-esteem is like trekking through the Himalayas hoping to find a Yeti. We tell ourselves: “Just keep scaling the slopes—looking,… READ MORE

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