Learn How to Navigate Client Challenges That are Specific to Trauma
May 23, 2017
by Sheela Raja, PhD When I was growing up, my dad used to read me a funny poem about mythical town that was situated on a beautiful cliff. There was… READ MORE
May 23, 2017
by Sheela Raja, PhD When I was growing up, my dad used to read me a funny poem about mythical town that was situated on a beautiful cliff. There was… READ MORE
March 17, 2017
by Rochelle I. Frank, PhD, and Joan Davidson, PhD Transdiagnostic approaches that target underlying psychological processes (rather than symptom constellations) increasingly are becoming the new gold standard of evidence-based treatment…. READ MORE
March 9, 2017
In honor of International Women’s Day, we present to you 13 badass psychologists who happen to be women. Without further ado: 1. Janina Scarlet, PhD Specialty: Licensed Clinical Psychologist using… READ MORE
January 21, 2016
When severe violations of safety, trust, or vulnerability occur, including outright threats to survival, humans are wired to shut down higher-order neural functions and fight, flee, or freeze in order… READ MORE
January 12, 2016
The core dilemma of post-traumatic stress is how to carry painful personal history forward in life. If clients use fragmented attention and avoidance to cope with what has happened, living… READ MORE
December 15, 2015
In therapy sessions, lack of genuine curiosity about where the client is coming from, unrealistic or incongruent expectations, and failure to approach the whole person, not only the pathology exhibited,… READ MORE
August 12, 2015
A recent study published in Medical Care (Serpa, Taylor, Tillisch, 2014) showed that veterans who participated in a nine-week mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program experienced significant reductions in anxiety, depression,… READ MORE
July 30, 2014
When a partner returns from war, it is a time of joy. But after the initial period of celebration, many couples face a number of unexpected difficulties adjusting to their… READ MORE
January 3, 2013
A Letter from Sheela Raja, PhD Traumatic events like accidents, domestic violence, combat, natural disasters, and sexual assault can have a huge impact on people’s lives. They shake our belief… READ MORE