How to Help Couples Make Team Decisions (Part 1)
August 10, 2021
By Kara Hoppe, MA, MFT When asked during an initial session why they felt the need to see a therapist, many couples aren’t clear about the specific reason. If there… READ MORE
August 10, 2021
By Kara Hoppe, MA, MFT When asked during an initial session why they felt the need to see a therapist, many couples aren’t clear about the specific reason. If there… READ MORE
June 22, 2021
By Bobbi Wegner, PsyD, author of Raising Feminist Boys You probably watch the news and think, the world seems to be falling apart. There are areas where we have real… READ MORE
March 22, 2021
By Lucie Hemmen, PhD, author of The Teen Girl’s Anxiety Survival Guide COVID-19 has been hard on all of us. From masked little ones and their stressed parents to isolated… READ MORE
October 27, 2020
By Goali Saedi Bocci, PhD Perhaps the buzz phrase in all my therapy sessions with clients surrounds the notion of “the new normal.” With much of my caseload being comprised of… READ MORE
October 8, 2020
By Cheryl M. Bradshaw, MA, author of Real Talk About Sex and Consent We have all entered into a brave new world of masks and social distancing. And interestingly, it is finally… READ MORE
June 25, 2020
By Howard Kassinove, PhD, ABPP and Raymond Chip Tafrate, PhD Part one of a four-part series on anger Let’s be honest. All of us get angry now and then. Anger is… READ MORE
June 1, 2020
By Dan Tomasulo, PhD, author of Learned Hopefulness The science of hope has never been more relevant and needed than now. New research sheds light on the true nature of hope. As… READ MORE
May 26, 2020
By Leslie Becker-Phelps, PhD, author of Bouncing Back from Rejection If you tend to struggle with feeling rejected or like you don’t matter, chances are that this issue has been especially difficult… READ MORE
May 22, 2020
By Randy Kulman, PhD, author of The Gaming Overload Workbook Two words come to mind when managing your family during the coronavirus quarantine: safety and sanity. Obviously, the safety of our… READ MORE