Letting Go of Worry
December 26, 2023
By Brian L. Thompson, PhD As an anxiety specialist, clients often ask me what to do when they’re stuck in worry. Although I strive to help clients discover what works… READ MORE
December 26, 2023
By Brian L. Thompson, PhD As an anxiety specialist, clients often ask me what to do when they’re stuck in worry. Although I strive to help clients discover what works… READ MORE
June 27, 2023
By Amy Mariaskin, PhD As a therapist, you’ve likely encountered this scenario: a worried client asks a question repeatedly in a futile attempt to assuage their anxiety. You find yourself… READ MORE
May 31, 2023
By Dan Tomasulo, PhD, author of The Positivity Effect Imagine a world where hope, empowerment, resilience, and optimism are just one pill away. A breakthrough that would change the way… READ MORE
May 1, 2023
By Brian L. Thompson, PhD, coauthor of ACT-Informed Exposure for Anxiety Safety behaviors are behaviors people engage in to prevent or minimize either something bad happening or to manage their… READ MORE
February 21, 2023
By Christopher Willard, PsyD, coauthor of The Self-Confidence Workbook for Teens Mindfulness with teens sounds amazing—but how do we get past the eye rolling? Over the years I’ve thought a… READ MORE
February 1, 2023
By David A. Clark, PhD, author of The Anxious Thoughts Workbook for Teens Often anxiety first emerges during the teen years with approximately one-third of adolescents experiencing an anxiety disorder… READ MORE
December 19, 2022
By Graham Davey, PhD, author of The Catastrophic Worrier Worrying is something we all do. It’s arguably one of the most common human activities, and for good reason—our lives and… READ MORE
December 2, 2022
By Jon Hershfield, MFT, Tom Corboy, MFT, Sally M. Winston, PsyD, Martin N. Seif, PhD, Catherine M. Pittman, PhD, Elizabeth M. Karle, MLIS, William J. Knaus, EdD, Jennifer Shannon, LMFT,… READ MORE
August 10, 2022
By Katie Krimer, LCSW, author of Sh*t I Say to Myself Neuroscientific research has demonstrated that the pain from heartbreak resembles drug withdrawals. It can be undoubtedly brutal, making us… READ MORE