Get to the core of BPD and create lasting change
Taking Charge of Borderline Personality Disorder is a groundbreaking online course led by BPD specialist Daniel J. Fox, PhD.
Inside, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of BPD and build personalized strategies to manage your symptoms and take back control of your life.
Expertly crafted lessons, real life stories from those with BPD, and powerful exercises provide insights and skills to transform the way you live.
BPD doesn’t have to hold you back. Join now and start your journey to lasting wellness.
Developed over two-plus decades working with BPD, Fox’s revolutionary approach draws on gold standard evidenced-based modalities including dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), and object relations therapy (ORT) and builds upon them with the breakthrough concept of core content and surface content as dual constructs.
This transformational journey was designed to help you:
- Truly understand your BPD
- Build and keep healthy relationships
- Gain lifelong skills to manage BPD
- Reconnect with your true self
How you’ll get there:
- Engaging video lessons provide an immersive learning experience
- Downloadable written exercises help you personalize lessons and make real change happen
- Lifetime access

Getting to the “Core” of Your BPD
The experiences we have in childhood and as we grow up contribute to the development of our “core content,”—deeply engrained thoughts, feelings, images, memories, and so on. Core content can be both negative and positive.
For those with BPD, early traumatic events such as sexual abuse, neglect, chaotic family life, caregivers with substance abuse issues, and more contribute to the formation of negative core content (though not everyone with BPD has experienced traumatic events).
Common core content may include feelings of:
- Abandonment
- Emptiness
- Loneliness
- Vulnerability
- Invalidation
Over time, people with BPD develop maladaptive “surface content”—beliefs, behaviors, and patterns that negatively affect how they see themselves, are destructive to their relationships, work, and life, and perpetuate their BPD.
Examples of negative surface content include:
- Refusing to let go of a loved one
- Cutting or other self-harm
- Drinking or using drugs
- Punching another person or a wall
- Anxiety
Understanding your core content and how BPD develops is vital because it provides the foundation for building a new you—a you with the insights and skills to take back control of your life and move beyond BPD.

Doing Your Life Differently
Many approaches to BPD only address the symptoms that are on the surface.
The result is change that doesn’t last—and symptoms that continue to return frequently and with the same intensity as before.
Once you know how BPD develops, you’ll be ready to tap into powerful strategies to manage your BPD long-term.
The key is discovering your negative core content and learning to recognize when it has been activated.
Once you are aware that your core content is being activated, you can choose to respond in a more healthy, “adaptive” way.
As an example, imagine that your core content includes fear of abandonment.
You have a date who told you they would text at five so you can meet up.
But five o’clock comes and goes, and you don’t get the text.
You immediately start having thoughts that you must not be very important to them and that they’re probably thinking about breaking up with you.
You end up canceling the date because you figure they’re not going to show up anyway and you just want to get it over with.
This is your negative surface content—the beliefs and behaviors that you engage in when your core content is activated, including the impulsive behavior of cancelling the date and the belief that you aren’t worthy of a healthy relationship.
When you can recognize that your core content has been activated, (fear of abandonment in this case), you can choose to engage in more positive surface content (beliefs and behaviors) that will not be disruptive to your relationship.
In this example, you can be on the lookout for your belief that you are worthless, and choose more adaptive behaviors instead—like considering other reasons why that text didn’t come and waiting to find out what happened.
By now, you can see the power of learning to recognize your core content and developing new, healthy beliefs, behaviors, and patterns.
This applies not only to romantic relationships, but those with coworkers, friends, kids, and yourself.
If you’re ready to do your life differently, the lessons in Taking Charge of Borderline Personality Disorder will walk you through each and every step.
In the course, you’ll develop a true understanding of your BPD and develop personalized strategies to balance your emotions, build healthy relationships, and create lasting change.
Dive in now and begin your journey to a place where you determine the course of your life, not your BPD!

Taking Charge of Borderline Personality Disorder

Taking Charge of Borderline Personality Disorder is a groundbreaking online course for anyone striving to manage BPD.
It was created to provide a compassionate and effective guide to help you gain control of BPD, so you can reach your full potential and live a better life.
Led by psychologist and BPD specialist Daniel J. Fox, this course transcends traditional methods to target the core of BPD with personalized strategies.
Fox’s powerful approach draws on evidenced-based modalities including dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), and object relations therapy (ORT) and adds the breakthrough concept of core content and surface content as dual constructs.
You’ll begin by learning how BPD develops, so you can see beyond the symptoms and recognize early experiences at the root of your BPD.
This deeper understanding paves the way for a more personalized and effective approach to managing your BPD.
You’ll then delve into the many ways BPD can disrupt your daily life and relationships and discover steps you can take to lessen the impact.
Throughout the course, Fox shares inspiring real life stories from those with BPD that demonstrate how the methods you’re learning can transform your life.
As you progress through 6 weekly modules, you’ll learn:
- What BPD is and why it’s a disorder
- Why BPD can be challenging and where to start
- How to handle your emotions and see yourself clearly
- How to develop a blueprint for healthy relationships
- How to overcome potential barriers to managing BPD
- How to embrace your new approach and keep moving forward
Workbooks with written exercises are included with each module so you can fully absorb key concepts, put them into practice, and create real and lasting change.
With each lesson, you’ll take another step toward a more stable, satisfying, and fulfilling life.
Transform your life with insights and skills that empower you to:
- Build stronger relationships
- Reconnect with yourself
- Gain a sense of hope and control over your symptoms
- Foster emotional stability
- Develop lifelong strategies for managing and moving beyond BPD
Enroll in
Taking Charge of Borderline Personality Disorder
What’s included in the course:
- Engaging video lessons for an immersive learning experience (5+ hours and 29 lessons in all)
- Downloadable workbooks with written exercises to reinforce your learning
- Easy-to-use course interface
- Lifetime access
- Satisfaction guarantee
$249 (USD)

From the Publisher
Daniel J. Fox, PhD, has spent much of his decades-long career striving to help mental health professionals, clients, and others see BPD differently—to see it as something that can be successfully managed with the right insights, skills, and guidance.
His approach is unique in employing the concepts of core content and surface content as dual constructs and is built on evidence-based components including dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), and object relations therapy (ORT).
In this course, Fox uses his groundbreaking approach to guide members along a clear path to effective management of BPD in an engaging, compassionate, and inspiring manner.
In addition, mental health professionals taking the course will have a unique opportunity to observe an approach that provides several advantages.
First and foremost, it can simplify treatment by cutting through all the symptoms and getting to the root of the problem—negative core content.
Further, it can reduce therapy-interfering and therapy-derailing behaviors, improve the therapeutic relationship, and increase client retention.
This course emerges as an invaluable lifelong resource, offering both profound insights and practical tools for the effective management of BPD.
With warm regards,
Publisher and President
New Harbinger Publications
The Path to Empowerment
Each of the following weekly modules includes a downloadable workbook with written exercises to reinforce what you’ve learned and help create lasting change in your life.
(Practitioners may also find these workbooks beneficial as supplementary materials between sessions.)
Week 1: Understanding BPD
- The Story of Maggie
- BPD Symptoms Across the Spectrum
- Core Content and Surface Content
- Why BPD Is a Disorder
- Relationship Disruption
Week 2: Why BPD Is So Hard to Manage
- Hypervigilance and Lack of Trust
- High, Ill-Defined Standards
- The Story of Yolanda
- Readiness for Change
- Relationship Habits
- Emotional Instability
- Emotional Buttons
- The Story of Marcus
- The Story of Cathy
- The “BPD Lens”
Week 4: Build Healthy Relationships
- Love, Lust, Fear, Hate
- Relationship Insecurity
- Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorder Relationships
- Relationship Blueprint
Week 5: Stop Hating Yourself and Do Life Differently
- The “Internal Abuser”
- Making a Self-Safety Plan
- Your Social Circle
- Knowing Your True Self
- Beliefs, Behaviors, and Patterns
Week 6: Overcome Barriers and Embrace a New Approach
- Family, Friends, and Lovers
- Common Barriers
- Making Peace with Yourself
- The Balanced View
- Connect to Positivity

Bringing a More Compassionate, Hopeful Approach to Helping Those with BPD
A Message from Daniel J. Fox, PhD
I’ve worked with those struggling to manage Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) for more than 20 years.
Because there is a lot of disinformation out there, there’s something I want you to know:
BPD is the most manageable personality disorder there is.
There is hope.
You are not a bad person, you are not broken, and you can do your life differently.
A key to doing that is understanding your core content.
Core content was put in place by experiences that you had in childhood and as you grew up.
Some examples include abandonment, vulnerability, invalidation, and emptiness.
Core content is so important because it is at the heart of the symptoms you struggle with every day.
Once you’ve identified your core content, you’re empowered to develop strategies to control your symptoms and get on the path to reclaiming your life from BPD.
If the other approaches you’ve tried have only addressed your symptoms and left you back where you started, I invite you to check out my new course.
Inside, I’ll walk you through your journey step by step.
I’ll help you identify your core content and teach you specific strategies you can use to help balance your emotions, form healthy relationships, and grow beyond BPD.
Join me.
Enroll in
Taking Charge of Borderline Personality Disorder
What’s included in the course:
- Engaging video lessons for an immersive learning experience (5+ hours and 29 lessons in all)
- Downloadable workbooks with written exercises to reinforce your learning
- Easy-to-use course interface
- Lifetime access
- Satisfaction guarantee
$249 (USD)

Answers to Your Questions
The course is designed for you if you have been diagnosed with BPD or with BPD traits, regardless of your existing knowledge of the disorder. It will help you gain an understanding of BPD as a disorder and the full impact it has on most aspects of your life, as well as help you gain insight into yourself and get greater control over your symptoms.

Why Should You Join This Course?
This course will be a great fit if you want to:
- Build stronger connections to loved ones, friends, and coworkers
- Achieve more balanced emotions
- Reconnect with your authentic self
- Develop a sense of self-compassion and hope
- Truly understand BPD and make lasting change
This course is also a great fit for mental health professionals who want to:
- See BPD specialist Daniel J. Fox apply his approach built on evidence-based components over 20+ years working with people who suffer from personality disorders
- Gain insight into the unique use of core content and surface content in a dual construct at the heart of Fox’s approach
- Observe a compassionate, non-stigmatizing, hopeful way to help individuals with BPD
- See a methodical, stepwise approach to helping BPD sufferers cut through the noise of BPD symptoms and make lasting change
- Develop empathy and insight that can enhance the therapeutic relationship
Get Started Now and Take Back Control of Your Life from BPD
Enroll in
Taking Charge of Borderline Personality Disorder
What’s included in the course:
- Engaging video lessons for an immersive learning experience (5+ hours and 29 lessons in all)
- Downloadable workbooks with written exercises to reinforce your learning
- Easy-to-use course interface
- Lifetime access
- Satisfaction guarantee
$249 (USD)