Instant Help Books
In a constantly changing world, young people need resources for mental health issues more than ever before. Founded by renowned child psychologist Lawrence Shapiro, Instant Help Books offers fun and easy-to-use workbooks to teach children and teens effective skills for dealing with a variety of mental health issues and life challenges. Whether they are dealing with depression, anxiety, bullying, or any traumatic experience, these evidence-based self-help books will provide children and teens with the tools they need to thrive—at home, in the classroom, and beyond.
Feel free to browse our catalog below, or if you’d like a free sample of these books download our guide: 6 Skills Every Teen Needs to Thrive in High School. In it the editors here at New Harbinger Publications have sifted through the dozens of titles in this series to bring together six key research-based psychological skills that offer an excellent example of the scope, breadth, and quality of these books.

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The Teen Girl's Survival Guide
Ten Tips for Making Friends, Avoiding Drama, and Coping with Social Stress
Don't Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills for Helping You Manage Mood Swings, Control Angry Outbursts, and Get Along with Others
Conquer Negative Thinking for Teens
A Workbook to Break the Nine Thought Habits That Are Holding You Back
The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens
Activities to Help You Build Confidence and Achieve Your Goals
The Anger Workbook for Teens
Activities to Help You Deal with Anger and Frustration
The Executive Functioning Workbook for Teens
Help for Unprepared, Late, and Scattered Teens
The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook for Teens
CBT and ACT Skills to Help You Build Social Confidence
Stopping the Pain
A Workbook for Teens Who Cut and Self Injure
Just As You Are
A Teen’s Guide to Self-Acceptance and Lasting Self-Esteem
I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Mad
A Workbook to Help Kids Control Their Anger
The ADHD Workbook for Kids
Helping Children Gain Self-Confidence, Social Skills, and Self-Control
The Self-Compassion Workbook for Teens
Mindfulness and Compassion Skills to Overcome Self-Criticism and Embrace Who You Are
Stuff That Sucks
A Teen's Guide to Accepting What You Can't Change and Committing to What You Can
Beyond the Blues
A Workbook to Help Teens Overcome Depression
The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens
A Non-Diet, Body Positive Approach to Building a Healthy Relationship with Food
Put Your Worries Here
A Creative Journal for Teens with Anxiety