By Catharine Meyers, Associate Publisher of New Harbinger Publications
We publish books aimed to help readers overcome mental health issues. Our mission is to provide evidence-based tools that help people understand the root causes of their suffering, or psychological struggles, and heal themselves.
We do this with words.
Words are how we communicate the science behind our treatments; words are how we teach readers the concepts that can be life-changing, transforming their state of mind, body, and spirit.
To best help our readers, we will continue publishing all words that help anyone overcome psychological pain—we will never hesitate to publish books full of these words that further the science of psychology.
We will include the use of words such as diversity, fetus, transgender, vulnerable, entitlement, science-based, and evidence-based because they are central to our work and because we believe banning words is dangerous. We will also include such words as compassion, love, healing, acceptance, mindfulness, and committed action. We at New Harbinger celebrate diversity at our offices and through the voices of the authors of our books.
We stand committed to the pursuit of truth through science. We believe that using the words that are currently being banned from 2018 budget documents within the Center for Disease Control are vital to acknowledge the truth of human life, and to ban them in any context is to ban the truth.