Tag: ptsd

Why Hyperarousal After Trauma Is So Common

Why Hyperarousal After Trauma Is So Common

By Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, author of Traumatic Stress Recovery Workbook Traumatic experiences frequently result in “one trial learning,” meaning that a single event, or experience, can alter brain structure and/or… READ MORE

When Clients Seem Numb and Disconnected

When Clients Seem Numb and Disconnected

By Tamara McClintock Greenberg, PsyD It’s a conundrum as old as the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Treatments start off well; there seems to be a solid connection, but… READ MORE

What is Complex PTSD? 

What is Complex PTSD? 

By Tamara McClintock Greenberg, PsyD, author of The Complex PTSD Coping Skills Workbook  Complex post-traumatic stress disorder, or C-PTSD, occurs when you have experienced traumas not caused by one or… READ MORE

What Is a “Little t” Trauma?

What Is a “Little t” Trauma?

By Jaime Castillo, LCSW, author of What Happened to Make You Anxious? “Trauma” has become a big buzzword in recent conversations about mental health. As we have collectively become more… READ MORE

Anxiety in Session

Anxiety in Session

By Christina Reese, PhD We’ve all been there. A client is sharing a traumatic experience. They are talking about an incident of anxiety during the week. Or, they are having… READ MORE

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