Looking Beyond Weight to Improve Your Health
November 21, 2016
by Jason Lillis, PhD It’s easy to obsess over weight. Most of us (myself included!) could benefit from being at least a little fitter. But we have narrowed our focus… READ MORE
November 21, 2016
by Jason Lillis, PhD It’s easy to obsess over weight. Most of us (myself included!) could benefit from being at least a little fitter. But we have narrowed our focus… READ MORE
December 8, 2015
Sometimes emotions are seen as a sign of weakness and irrationality, but this perception couldn't be further from the truth. They are essential to being rational (Ciarrochi, Chan, & Bajgar,… READ MORE
December 1, 2014
We’ve spent the last few weeks discussing the overlaps between Buddhism and psychodynamic therapy, citing the views of the Buddha and Sigmund Freud. Today we are wrapping up the series… READ MORE
November 12, 2014
Western society increasingly sees human suffering as grossly abnormal and typically generated from outside sources; it is a state to be eliminated as soon as possible. We vigorously seek external… READ MORE
By Leslie Becker-Phelps, PhD Clients who are frequently self-critical view themselves as flawed, so they are quick to highlight what they perceive as their negative aspects and minimize their positive… READ MORE
November 3, 2014
In his story “The Three Hermits,” Tolstoy tells of an archbishop, sailing among remote islands to spread the Gospel, who comes upon an island inhabited solely by a trio of… READ MORE
October 27, 2014
Relational psychodynamic psychotherapy emphasizes interpersonal relationships as central to the development of personality, psychopathology, and therapeutic growth. The approach is holistic in that it also considers biological drives and intrapsychic… READ MORE
October 14, 2014
Editor’s Note: This is a Q&A with Jill Stoddard, PhD, and Niloofar Afari, PhD, the authors of The Big Book of ACT Metaphors: A Practitioner’s Guide to Experiential Exercises and… READ MORE
September 11, 2014
In his recent edited volume, Mindfulness and Acceptance in Multicultural Competency: A Contextual Approach to Sociocultural Diversity in Theory and Practice, Akihiko Masuda, PhD, explores the growing applicability of mindfulness-… READ MORE